
* ConnexCS Page
* @module eChart
* @namespace eChart
* @class
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc ConnexCS eChart Graph Component

function eChart() {
	* Set Graph Option
	* @function setOption
	* @memberof eChart
	* @params {Object} option
	* @params {Boolean} notMerge - Optional. Default is false.
	* @params {Boolean} lazyUpdate - Opional. Default is false.
	* @return Returns options object
	* @description All parameters and data can be modified through setOption
	* notMerge - Whether not to merge with previous option. If true, all of the current components will be removed and new components will be created according to the new option.
	* lazyUpdate - Whether not to update chart immediately, stating update chart synchronously. If true, the chart will be updated in the next animation frame.
	* var option = {
	*		xAxis: [
	*			{ id: 'm', interval: 5 },
	*			{ id: 'n', name: 'nnn', interval: 6 }
	*			{ id: 'q', interval: 7 }
	*		]
	*	}
	* @example this.setOption(option, notMerge, lazyUpdate)
	function setOption (option = {}, notMerge = false, lazyUpdate = false) {
	* Get Graph Option Object
	* @function getOption
	* @memberof eChart
	* @return Returns options object
	* @description Contains configuration item and data merged from previous setOption.
	* @example this.getOption()
	function getOption () {
	* Resize Graph
	* @function resize
	* @memberof eChart
	* @description Resizes chart, which should be called manually when container size changes.
	* @example this.resize()
	function resize () {
	* Show Loading Of Graph
	* @function showLoading
	* @memberof eChart
	* @description Shows loading animation effect.
	* This is opposite of {@link hideLoading function}
	* @example this.showLoading()
	function showLoading () {
	* Hide Loading Of Graph
	* @function hideLoading
	* @memberof eChart
	* @description Hides loading animation effect.
	* This is opposite of {@link showLoading function}
	* @example this.hideLoading()
	function hideLoading () {